Utility & Service Providers

Name Phone Website
Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. 661-222-2249 http://www.burrtec.com/scv
City of Santa Clarita 661-259-2489 http://santa-clarita.com
City of Santa Clarita Grafitti Hotline 661-252-5326
City of Santa Clarita Landscape Maintenance District 661-286-4050
Los Angeles County Animal Control 661-257-3191 http://animalcare.lacounty.gov
Los Angeles County Sheriff 661-260-4000 https://lasd.org/
Southern California Edison 800-655-4555 http://sce.com
Southern California Gas Company 800-427-2200 http://socalgas.com
Valencia Water Company 661-294-0828 https://yourscvwater.com/
Vanguard Protection Group 661-753-3611 http://www.vanguardprotectiongroup.com